6 Important Foods for Schizophrenia Management

6 Important Foods for Schizophrenia Management

Distortion of reality, absence of facial expressions, delusions and hallucinations are some of the symptoms of psychiatric disorder called schizophrenia. This can occur in men and women of all ages, and its causes can be either genetic, biological, and environmental. There are various therapies, sessions and lifelong treatments for this mental disorder. Eating healthy food and schizophrenia monitoring can be also done easily. The foods discussed herein can be included in a regular diet to reduce the severity of schizophrenia.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are present in foods like flaxseeds, salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, and nuts. This nutrient is known to improve the nervous system as well as immunity. Including oily fish in your diet can prevent and reduce your symptoms of schizophrenia. If you don’t eat fish then you can ask your doctor for omega-3 supplements.

Gluten-free Food
Gluten proteins are found in grains like barley, rye and wheat. These are not easy to digest. The byproducts of these grains are associated with developing psychological symptoms like hallucinations and brain fog. On the doctor’s recommendation, one can choose to follow a ketogenic diet with high fat, low carbohydrate, and high protein.

Niacin-rich Foods
Green veggies, eggs, fish and poultry are rich sources of niacin, which is a type of vitamin. The deficiency of this vitamin can cause early symptoms of schizophrenia and may be monitored in a long-term treatment of two to three years. Before including these in your diet, ensure that your doctor has approved these along with the medications.

Foods like oysters, crabs, fish, clams, and lobsters are rich sources of zinc. Studies have found that low of level of zinc can be associated with schizophrenia in many people. One can choose from a number of seafoods that can be included in your diet. Beef is also a rich source of zinc. A vegetarian can ask the doctor for some zinc supplements.

Foods rich in folate can also help in reducing schizophrenia symptoms. These nutrients are used in fortified foods or supplements. To have a healthy and balanced diet, one can include beef liver, spinach, and asparagus in their food. Folate supplements can also be taken with a doctor’s prescription.

Foods Containing Vitamin B12
Including vitamin B12 in the diet is an effective measure to reduce and control symptoms of schizophrenia. This vitamin is found in liver, trout, and clams. Deficiency of this vitamin may be associated with symptoms of schizophrenia. One must check with the doctor before taking any supplements for this vitamin.

While eating healthy food and schizophrenia control can be done in parallell, it is important to consult a psychiatrist before choosing any alternative treatment. Adding the right food items in the diet can help one effectively manage this condition.